In today’s age beauty has a tendency to draw people in and keep them there! Women in general really just love looking at a handsome man. You wonder why the movie “Magic Mike” did well in the box office. Whether you wanted your woman to watch it or not I’m pretty sure she did anyways.

If the conversations are always about how hot this actor is and that actor then maybe you need to have an open dialogue with her about what you think is an appropriate conversation.

As much as most men won’t admit it I know it hurts your feelings. Or may just be making you feel she isn’t attracted to you?

If you really wanted to see how she would act if you did the same thing with your favorite actresses maybe she would stop because she sees what you’re doing and doesn’t like the feeling. If she doesn’t seem to get the reason you’re talking about it make sure you make a point to talk about it then ask her how it makes her feel. If she says shitty this is a good time to open the dialogue up about you not liking when she does it.

Basically women have forgotten how to treat a man like a man and in the process they talk to them like girlfriends. If you don’t like it rightfully so because it basically is a way of her being disrespectful. If you have noticed the disrespect maybe just getting angry even once would actually help your situation.

The honest part of this is most young girls like under the age of 21 have a tendency to be like this and if you find yourself in this situation even after telling her it pisses you off then you need to tell her to take a hike.