Monthly Archives: oktober 2012


Relationship red flags

Ever been through a breakup where you’ve found yourself saying, “Man, I should’ve seen this coming”? We’ve all been there. Having these thoughts in the post breakup phase illustrates how you failed to recognize certain reactions or behaviors that your partner exhibited which you fundamentally didn’t agree with. These are called relationship red flags, and [...]

By |oktober 22nd, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

When should you ask for the phone number (online dating)

You’ve met someone online. You message them all the time. You chat back and forth on regular basis. You want to take things to the next level, but you’re too shy. Fear not, this happens to a lot of online dating users. It can be scary to take your interactions to the next level, especially [...]

By |oktober 21st, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

Signs she’s flirting with you

Women send many mixed messages when it comes to showing they’re interest in you. Some seem incredibly engrossed by your conversation, laugh at your jokes, and engage in deep eye contact. However, when you lean in to make the first move or ask her about going out sometime, she is hesitant and quickly changes her [...]

By |oktober 21st, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

How to flirt with women at the bar

The bar scene is the most common social circuit for meeting members of the opposite sex. It’s a loose environment where everyone is having a carefree good time and actively there seeking to meet new people. But have you ever found yourself misreading signals from women and making pitiful pick up attempts? Don’t worry, this [...]

By |oktober 20th, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

Playing Hard To Get: Why We Do It.

  We’ve all heard the expression, “playing hard to get”. According to many relationship experts, seeming uninterested at first is an essential part of the dating game. No one wants to come across eager, needy and overzealous because this automatically signifies that you don’t have a life. And let’s face it; we don’t want to [...]

By |oktober 20th, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

Online dating mistakes men make

If you’re a dude, and you’re having a hard time meeting women online then it’s safe to say you’re making a few mistakes. Let’s face it, online dating is completely different from the real world, so you’ve got to know what to say, how to come across, and what to avoid doing entirely. There are [...]

By |oktober 19th, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

How to pick up a married woman

Adultery. It’s wrong. It’s a deadly sin. And yet it happens all the time. For some of us, our married lives aren’t fulfilling enough so we have to find our kicks elsewhere. But it can be so difficult to hit on a married woman because you never how they’re going to take it. You risk [...]

By |oktober 19th, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

Dealing with Online Dating Rejection

It’s happened to everyone. You connect with someone online; go back and forth with a few flirty messages; and then POOF! They’ve suddenly fallen off the face of the Earth. You keep sending those emails, but you’re getting no replies. This is called rejection. It stinks. Online rejection carries its own specific sting simply because [...]

By |oktober 18th, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

The Difference between Confidence and Arrogance

Any relationship expert will tell you that a healthy dose of confidence is crucial for both men and women in the dating game. We are naturally attracted to people who have a strong sense of who they are and what they like. Insecure people make us run away quickly because the thought of being with [...]

By |oktober 18th, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments

How to spot a fake dating profile

The internet is perhaps the best single invention in modern times. It provides us with endless information on a wide variety of subjects, and it also allows us to connect with people from all over the world. For the most part, users on online dating sites are real people looking for love, sex, and friendship. [...]

By |oktober 17th, 2012|Get Laid|0 Comments